Children have inherent curiosity and a tendency for mouthing. This behaviour coupled with inability to read warning labels, inadequate supervision and improper storage of medicines and toxic substances at home makes them vulnerable for poisoning. Commonly ingested poisonous substances are kerosene, pesticide/insecticide, insect repellent, household chemicals and medicines like anti-diabetics, anti-hypertensives, anti-psychotics and anticonvulsants etc.
A. The poisoning is suspected mainly in circumstantial evidences, changes in behaviour or unexplained drowsiness. Some acids and alkalis leave burns on the mouth. Kerosene, leave a distinctive odour on the breath. Skin irritation, throat irritation, nausea and vomiting may be presenting symptoms of ingestion of poisonous substance. Finding empty containers of medicines or household chemicals, in addition to some of the symptoms mentioned above may point towards a possibility of consumption of that product and poisoning. Sometimes children might get respiratory distress or even convulsions.
A. Following actions need to be taken to prevent poisoning at home:
• To keep pesticides, insecticides, other household chemicals locked
• To keep cleaners etc in their original containers
• To remove poisonous plants from the house and nearby garden
• To keep medicines in child resistant containers
• To avoid using herbal preparations not made by reputed companies
A. A child with suspected poisoning should be taken to the nearest hospital immediately. While getting ready to leave for the hospital, one may call up the Pediatrician, who can advise few tips or first aid telephonically.
If the child has vomited, a sample of vomitus and the container of suspected poison should be taken along.
Forced vomiting should be avoided in acid, alkali or kerosene poisoning. Acid and alkali can burn the oesophagus, if they are vomited, kerosene can be inhaled into lungs during vomiting, causing pneumonia.
A case of poisoning is a medico-legal case and local police authorities should be informed.